This mysterious but also humorous stop-motion film created by Eirik Gronmo Bjornsen and Anna Mantzaris, and it was their graduation project at Volda University College in Norway. The story is about a man with social phobia gets followed by white puffy monster (a ghost?). The man terrified the unknown creature and tries to escape from it. However, the monster actually helps the man to overcome his phobia. This handmaid beautiful sets and puppets are attractive!
This film has nominated and won 21 international awards and more than 100 screenings at several film festivals such as Ottawa International Animation Festival 2013, Anifest 2013, and more.
Please watch the video of But Milk Is Important by Eirik Gronmo Bjornsen and Anna Mantzaris
But Milk Is Important from Eirik gb on Vimeo.
But Milk Is Important’s official page