FABRICATED a short created by Brett Foxwell is truly a work of art. This 18 minute long stop motion film features Bretts amazing skill both at armature making but also animation. The story is something of a abstract evolutionary battle for survival while seeking a truth beyond the current existence of life within this metal world. Really, I just made that up, but it’s what I got out of the film which is trippy to say the least. Pretty much everything in the film is meticulously thought out and you can really tell that Brett put his heart and soul into this film. This film really touches on some design ascetics that are unique and original. The incorporation of organic and metal materials to make characters brings an other worldly vibe to the film. Plus the dark undertones of the story remind us of the classic films produced by the Brothers Quay. Definitely give this 18 minute film a watch from beginning to end. Check out the film below.
There is even a behind the scenes video which gives us a special look at how this film was produced.
Checkout the “Making Of Fabricated” below:
The Making of Fabricated from bfophoto on Vimeo.