This fantasy and mysterious stop-motion short film, Neomorphus, produced and directed by Animatorio in Brasil. Stop Motion Animation by Gabriel Nobrega and Paulo Passaro. This fantasy film is about imaginary creatures live in an Ecosystem, and the film shows the creatures generate their living cycle. According to Animatorio’s website, it mentions, “Neomorphus is the second movie created for the series of free mini-shorts named Praepostere, the first being “Adiantum pedatum” – made with stop-motion technique with the theme of unusual developments in a morbid visionary”.
This animation studio, Animatorio, creates short films and TV commercials that are mostly done in stop motion. Neomorphus’s stop-motion animator, Nobrega, is also an art director for this film. He had graduated from a music college and learned animation by himself. Another stop-motion animator, Passaro, had graduated at UWE Bristol. You can check their talented animation artworks from below links.
Neomorphus by Animatorio
Neomorphus from Animatorio on Vimeo.
Animation studio, Animatorio’s official website
Neomorphus’s stop-motion animator/ art director, Gabriel Nobrega’s bio from art studio named LOBO
Neomorphus’s stop-motion animator, Paulo Passaro’s website