gam_screen_audio by Diluvio is a terrifying, exciting, mythical, surrealist, mind melt that will have you scratching your head and begging for more. The film which is oddly titles “gam_screen_audio” and was posted by Diluvio on Vimeo is very reminiscent of the classic films by those artists such as Bruce Bickford, Jan Svankmajer, or the Brothers Quay.
The style is raw, the animation is raw, and the story is raw. It’s so raw and gritty that it is absolutely perfect in every moment. This film proves you don’t have to have a super refined style or an encyclopedia level knowledge of animation. It’s beauty and mystery are all in the light, texture, and movement. From what we can gather the film has three characters that interact in the house in which they live. The animation all takes place at human scale and most of the characters look to be made form paper mache or just paper. It’s incredible to think that the artist went and gather the vast amount of materials needed for the film and just literally filled a house with the raw art. The house its self becomes transformed into the animation and becomes not just the set but also the expressive voice of the artist. This film is definitely worth a watch if you want something trippy and surreal with your morning coffee. Check it out below.
gam_screen_audio from Diluvio on Vimeo.