Mattel – Thing Maker
The long standing top dog toy maker Mattel has recently announce their upcoming release of a toy making 3d printer called the Thing Maker. This very cool new product comes as a surprise to may since a mass market 3d printer has been on the minds of many people anticipating a user friendly experience that can be enjoyed by all. The Thing Maker line is actual an older product line that used liquid plastic and molds which kids and parents could use to make rubber bugs and monsters. The new Thing Maker is a departure from this old school technique and incorporates modern FDM printer tech.
Mattel teamed up with Autodesk to produce a simple easy to use 3d printer that can be enjoyed by the whole family. Priced at $299, this printer will be able to print 3d models using PLA filament. We can only guess at what the experience will be like when using this device until a model is released, but we hope it’s as cool as it looks.
The printer which is anticipated to for an October 16th 2016 release is currently available for pre-order on ( )