The Japanese artist, Fusako Yusaki is one of the unforgettable female clay animators. One of her earliest short animated TV series, Talpy was on-air in Japan for children during 1992 to 1994. Yusaki’s clay animation is known as using the technique of metamorphosis. It is amazing to see the smashed colored clay become alive objects in her animation. Her amazing animations has won many awards including the International Festival of creativity – CANNES LIONS(1972), Festival Internazionale del Cinema d’Arte(20014) in Bergano, and more. Yusaki has graduated Joshibi University of Art and Design in 1960. Her animator journey has been expanded since she won a scholarship by the Italian government. In 1964, Yusaki traveled to Italy as an international student for leaning clay-animation after she graduated Joshibi University. She lives in Italy as a professional animator and established her own independent studio called Studio Fusako Yusaki in Milano ever since.
Please watch her beautiful clay animation, Talpy