My Life As A Courgette / My Life As A Zucchini is a film that touched the hearts and minds of audiences everywhere. The film directed by Claude Barras depicts the struggles of being an orphan in a world that is often lonely and cruel. After losing his family a 9-year old boy must make friends wherever he can find them and with the help of a police officer and a young girl he discovers the love and joy of life even in the hardest of times. Based on the book “Autobiographie d’une Courgette; by Gilles Paris” the film was nominated and won many awards world wide. One of which was an Oscar nomination for Best Animated Feature Film. This stop motion film is truly a modern day classic and deserves the love and appreciation it has garnered world wide. To see an inside look at how this film was made checkout the two making-of featurette’s below. Enjoy!