‘New Mindset’ is a commercial directed Aardman’s Danny Capozzi for the United for Global Mental Health organization. What the commercial touches upon is the lack of funding and support world wide to help those individuals and groups who are unable to receive treatment for their mental issues. This is a major problem globally since many poor and underprivileged communities suffer the most with traumatic experiences often unable to receive treatment or care. The United for Global Mental Health organization wants to change all this and make mental health care accessible to everyone.
The commercial is blend of real world objects and custom made toys. The animation is beautifully done and this makes the commercial really engaging and entertaining. Hats off to Danny Capozzi for this little gems and the positive message that it converts. To learn more about the efforts of the United for Global Mental Health organization please visit them at https://unitedgmh.org. You can watch the commercial below.
‘New Mindset’ – Directed by Aardman’s Danny Capozzi for ‘United for Global Mental Health’ (with subtitles) from United for Global Mental Health on Vimeo.