In 2002, the Association Internationale du film d´Animation (ASIFA) created the International Animation Day (IAD) in 2002, honouring the birth of animation, recognised as the first public performance of projected moving images: Emile Reynaud’s Theatre Optique in Paris, on the 28th October 1892.
In 2013, Bruna Berford made her final project for her Stop Motion Experimental Class, at the Academy of Art, considered an inspiration among the animation community: “Occupation: Animator”.
Originally from Brazil, Bruna holds degrees from the Academy of Art, Animation Mentor and Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro(PUC-Rio).
Being a labour of love, we celebrate all of you, who live, breathe and eat animation, like us.
With all and looking forward to the future, kudos to animators and animation. We´ve all experience the hardships, ups and lows, satisfactions, etc. that Bruna Berford shows in her video “Occupation: Animator”
Happy International Animation Day!