An animation director, Péter Vácz, made a stop-motion animated music video, Dear John (2016) with music by an English rock band named James. The director, Vácz, and his team worked together for making this creative music video. You see 2D animation combined with a stop-motion animation. Vácz also used UV paints on the puppets and the sets that make the colors glow and create the mysterious mood. The storyline is beautiful and makes warm your hearts in the end.
Péter Vácz was born in Hungary and graduated at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in Animation (MOME) in 2012. His previous stop-motion feature shorts called Streamschool (2012) and Rabbit and Deer (2013) received more than 120 awards for many international film festivals included Cannes, Annecy, and Atlanta. Both of the films created when he was a student at MOME. I also have to mention another filmmaker of Dear John; Joseph Wallace. Wallace, is actually introduced in our past article. You may recognize Wallance’s beautiful stop-motion short, The Man Who Was Afraid of Falling (2011). These two of the talented animators, Vácz and Wallance, mainly worked for creating this brilliant video, Dear John.
The video, Dear John – THE MAKING OF by Péter Vácz, introduces the team, and the number is surprisingly only four people; Péter Vácz (Director/design), Joseph Wallace (Story developing/Cinematography/Animation), Milán Kopasz(Set/Compositing), and Attila Bertóti(Additional 2Danimation/Effects). As you see the making video, the whole sets look not giant scales. However, the video looks very powerful and gorgeous. Vácz also directed James’ All I’m Saying that released 2014.
Please don’t miss checking the video, Dear John from the below link.
Péter Vácz official website –
James’ Dear John (2016) directed by Péter Vácz –
Dear John – THE MAKING OF by Péter Vácz –
James’ All I’m Saying (2014) directed by Péter Vácz –