A band ‘Two Gallants’ released a song titled; Incidental that was directed by Alex Safdie and Kangmin Kim. This video features stop-motion animated robot-skeletons of the band members, Adam Haworth Stephens, and Tyson Vogel. It is very cool to watch the robot-skeletons are playing the drum and guitar in the video. You also see the white figure in the video, and it probably made by 3D printer.
The director, Alex Safdie is a director and editor of a motion picture company, Common Wealth Pictures. Alex and his team have been working on making videos for Nike, American express, and more. Another director, Kangmin Kim is a stop-motion animator for this Two Gallants’ music video also. He is a co-founder of his own animation and design studio, Studio zazac in Los Angeles. We had introduced one of his beautiful stop-motion video in the past on our website (https://stopmotionmagazine.com/the-beautiful-handcrafted-artwork-in-38-39c-by-kangmin-kim/). Pease check Alex and Kangmin’s talented collaborated artwork!
Two Gallants’ Music Video, Incidental: Director’s Cut by Alex Safdie and Kangmin Kim
Two Gallants_Incidental_Director's cut from KANGMIN KIM on Vimeo.