STRIKE is a feature film produced by Gigglefish Studios located in the U.K., with a release date of 2019. This film looks to be a fun and adventurous film for kids. One of the striking aspects of the film is the textured look and feel of the puppets and sets. It’s a blend of traditional stop motion with some high action fun. Here’s what Gigglefish says about the production on their YouTube page.
A young mole from a family of miners is left with the terrible task of telling his father he does not want to be a miner, he wants to be a footballer. Mungo Morrison comes from the small town of Diggington, a gold mining town where everyone is very proud to work at the mine. It’s Mungo’s big day, the day when he comes of age and gets to spend his first day down the mine, How can he tell his dad he does not want to work at the mine, it will break his dads heart….This mole with a goal…should he tell? Will he tell?..What will happen? – Gigglefish Studio
We’re excited to check this film out when it is released.
Checkout the trailer below: