This mixed media stop-motion animated short film, The Sea Is Blue, was directed and written by Vincent Peone. This film is about a girl accidently falls into the ocean when she was on a boat with an old man. She arrives the bottom of the sea and has a magical experience. According to the YouTube channel named Field Day, it explains “a poignant metaphor for what he thought might be going on in his sister’s mind while she was in a life-threatening coma”.
The puppets’ face expressions are made by clays in the most of the stop-motion animation films, yet this film used 3d-animation for creating the character’s face expressions. In the video of How to Make a Stop Motion Short Film | Behind Field Day, this film director Peone mentions he put rig-marks on the clay puppet face, and 3d-animators rigged and added the face expressions. Please enjoy to watch this mixed media stop-motion animated film, The Sea Is Blue.
The Sea Is Blue by Vincent Peone
Making video of The Sea Is Blue – How to Make a Stop Motion Short Film | Behind Field Day