Here is a cute Japanese stop-motion animated TV series, KNYACKI! has been on-air since 1995 in Japan. The director and animator, Yuichi Ito has made 45 stories so far now. Every story is about five minutes. The story is about the main character, a yellow cute caterpillar named Knyacki’s fun adventure life. Ito often used life size materials and pictures for the show’s sets. Ito had graduated Tokyo University of the Arts in 1985. After experienced worked at some animation industries, he established own company called I. TOON Animation Studio in 1998. He has directed TV shows, films, and artist’s music videos. He also has been nominated several international animation art awards such as China International Animation and Digital Arts Festival, Tokyo International Anime Fair, ANIMEXPO SEOUL, and etc.
Unfortunately, the show is not on-air in the US, but here is the one of series that I found on YouTube. Please watch Yuichi Ito’s fun stop-motion animated TV series, KNYACKI!