A stop-motion animation created by people with learning disabilities and their support workers in Devon, assisted by the national charity United Response is hoping to raise awareness of loneliness and isolation, after Covid social distancing rules.
“The animation, unveiled as part of the Marmalade Trust’s 2020 Loneliness Awareness Week (from 15th-19th Jun), was meticulously put together over several months and is based on real-life accounts of loneliness. Titled ‘Zack’s Story’, it aims to kick-start a widespread conversation about the impact of isolation – specifically on the learning disability community and especially since the Coronavirus outbreak.
The animation’s launch comes as new survey data conducted by the Office of National Statistics (ONS). The survey also highlighted that nearly half (49%) of disabled adults reported feeling lonely in the past week, compared to just 30% of non-disabled people. We want to encourage people to talk about their experiences of loneliness and to seek new ways to connect with others”
Here´s the behind the scenes: