*This article has been severally edited to spin a less harsh light on the promotion of the film Missing Link. This is out of respect for the hard working public relations people who are only given so much to be able to offer the opportunity to tour a large production fascility like LAIKA.
LAIKA recently released its film Missing Link. To promote the film they had a number of set tours and invited bloggers, influencers, and media networks to see what it takes to make a film at such a high level of work.
Since there was a lot of bloggers, magazines, and news stations showing pretty much the same content I felt it just wasn’t right to have a behind the scenes that would be identical to everything else out there. So I put together a pretty extensive array of online videos of behind the scenes tours given for Missing Link that enthusiastic people who went on the tour made. I especially like the blogger videos were you see the fun they are having showing off their free hotel rooms. I hope you get a kick out of some of these, but I have to warn you that much of the content is pretty identical. So pick one or two and watch away.
Drammatic Parrot:
Our Ordinary Life With Kids:
Nuke the Fridge:
Amidst the Chaos:
Studio Movie Grill:
Nuke the Fridge:
The A.V. Club:
She Saved:
Cinema Blend:
KPTV Fox 12:
Digital Trends:
Tech Crunch: