This stop-motion animated short film, EAGER, beautifully synchronized with Aaron M. Olson’s music. A collaboration of the characters’ movements and the music reminds us almost watching contemporary dance. You may feel it looks a ritualistic and dark in the beginning, yet it turns fantasy scene around @4:00. It makes us feel like this is a different universe because the characters are unknown creatures. According to the website named The Wrap, the author; Tim Molloy had an interview with Allison. Tim asked her how did she get the idea of this film, and she says “I guess my ideas come from a big bowl of history and fantasy, doused in a thick creamy sauce made from my thoughts and dreams”. Watching this whole video will take 8 minutes and 30 seconds. This gorgeous video directed by Allison Schulnik and Cinematography by Helder K. Sun.
Allison was born 1978 in San Diego, CA and currently working as an artist in Los Angeles. She had graduated Cal Arts and received her BFA in Experimental Animation. Her skill is not only filmmaking. She is also a painter and a sculpture, and her artworks have exhibited at museums and galleries in the US. Please visit her official website and check her artworks.
EAGER by Allison Schulnik
EAGER by Allison Schulnik from Allison Schulnik on Vimeo.
Allison Schulnik’s official website
Interview by The Wrap: “Allison Schulnik’s ‘Eager’ Is a Claymation Dance of Life and Death: TheWrap’s ShortList Quickie”
Allison Schulnik’s ‘Eager’ Is a Claymation Dance of Life and Death: TheWrap’s ShortList Quickie