Screen Novelties has met its Kick Starter Goal and will be making this film a reality!!! Congrats!!!!
Screen Novelties is one of the top premier boutique stop motion studios in the world. They’ve animated with the legendary Ray Harryhausen, they’ve made two high profile Christmas Specials (Sponge Bob Christmas, Elf: Buddys Musical Christmas), and they’ve maintained a cult like following of fans due to their contributions to many cartoon television shows like Adventure Time, Chowder, and Sponge Bob just to name a few. Not only are they talented, but they are also some of the nicest people in the industry. In the past they’ve help many who reached out to them for help and they’ve inspired many generations of animators with their work. So it’s only right that we can give back to them for their newest project.
Their newest venture is one that they’ve been trying to produce for sometime now. Whats great about this project is that you can be a part of it!!! For a very short period of time they are trying to raise funding for their project “The Witch Doctor”. Through KickStarter they are making an effort to cover the costs of production by raising $60K. Which honestly is a drop in the bucket when building a production like this.
The type of perks and prizes they are giving to their contributors are pretty cool. Of course there are digital versions of the film, and tshirts, but there are really super awesome prizes like a Tiki Mug, Shrunken Head DIY Kit, and a Custom View Master with production slides!!!! Check it out at the following Kick Starter Link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/473450133/the-witchdoctor